Sunday, May 16, 2010

Healthy News: Asthma Attack

childasthma_h Health News: Asthma Attack

This is showing asthma attack and I think this is very dangers diseases in your health and personality because this disease is much sensitive I mean that is create any where and anyplace. Sp please you take care and this article is presenting child has asthma attack.

“Asthma is a risk factor for more serious flu and people who have asthma are more at risk for flu complications like pneumonia and hospitalizations, so if you can do anything to prevent the flu in that group, it’s important,” says E. Neil Schachter, MD, medical director of respiratory care at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. “If your child has asthma, the recommendations remain the same.”
“It is too early to do an about-face on something that makes sense to do, and has been proven safe and effective in many other studies,” Dr. Schachter says. “The flu shot, although not 100% effective, is known to prevent the flu. Getting the flu shot, whether you are asthmatic, nonasthmatic, a child, or an adult, means you will be less likely to come down with the flu. This is based on bigger studies of wider numbers.” Via

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