Sunday, May 16, 2010

Health News: Old Age

old-age Health News: Old Age

This article is presents old age are create various disease on health and populace who are rich and cultured come out to have a improved possibility of income a longer and better life.

“Increases in life expectancy raise major challenges for public policy,” study leader James Nazroo, a professor in the University of Manchester’s sociology department, said in a news release from the council. “Among these is the need to respond to marked inequalities in economic position and life expectancy at older ages.”

“Despite the fact that we are all living longer, many people now stop work before the statutory retirement age, and a large proportion of these still have the potential to provide a positive input into society, the economy and their own well-being,” Nazroo said. “Our findings will help us understand how society can help people realize this potential.” Via

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