Sunday, May 16, 2010

Health News: Damage DNA

5174 Health News: Damage DNA

This article is presenting important health tips and I think whole part of body is based on DNA and breathing impure air for still a small period of moment that can reason some genes to knowledge reprogramming.

This finding indicates “that environmental factors need little time to cause gene reprogramming, which is potentially associated with disease outcomes,” .
“As several of the effects of particulate matter in foundries are similar to those found after exposure to ambient air pollution, our results open new hypotheses about how air pollutants modify human health,” Baccarelli said.

“The changes in DNA methylation we observed are reversible, and some of them are currently being used as targets of cancer drugs,” said the researcher
“We need to evaluate how the changes in gene reprogramming we observed are related to cancer risk,” Baccarelli said. Via

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