Sunday, May 16, 2010

Healthy Story: Bacteria on Human Skin

bacteria-on-human-skin Weekend Health Story: Bacteria on Human Skin

This is really danger species of bacteria and that is providing develop in your health and personality so I can say that is mentioned in your health and personality. And I think this is different type of bacteria I mean 19 dissimilar species of bacteria living behind in your ears? This information come to you beginning scientists at U.S. nationwide person Genome Research Institute and who have use the similar technique that enable them to map the person inherited structure to recognize in every one bacteria income on individual skin.

“We are using these results already to initiate clinical research,” she said. “We want to know what is the contribution of the human microbiota to common and rare skin disorders.”

“We are hoping with this project that we can understand the pathogenic processes in these conditions,” she said. “And perhaps we can learn how to help healthy bacteria keep pathogens in check.”

“All our knowledge had been based on what we could culture in the laboratory,” Segre said. “Culturing puts a bias on what you can study. You’re limited to what you can grow at a certain temperature in enriched media. In culture, you can find what you are looking for, but it’s hard to find what is not there.”

“We found that the site was more determining than the individual,” Segre said. “In different people’s armpits we found the same bacteria, while different parts of the body had very different bacteria.”

“A revolution in sequencing technology enables us to obtain information of a complexity that is astronomical compared to what was possible just a few years ago,” said Segre.

“This is fundamental work, defining one aspect of human biology,” said Dr. Martin Blaser, chairman of medicine and a microbiologist at New York University, who has done several studies of human skin bacteria. “The human body is a map, and they are putting more sites on the map. This has been a very good advance.”

“We began to use molecular methods several years ago, and we continue to do that,” he said. “This work is much more comprehensive that ours were, because the tools are more powerful.”Via

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