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Healthy News: Depression and Anxiety


+depression-and-anxiety1 Health News: Depression and Anxiety

This is health related diseases and today analysis two latest study shows that troubles with brain that can be play an important role in harms of heart. And one learn establish that concern and despair that can be raise the occurrence of angina and that can be upper body pain that sends various citizens to doctor that is said Dr. Mark Sullivan and this is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

“The overwhelming focus in the United States has been on ischemia,” the blockage of heart arteries, Sullivan said. “That is pretty unique in the world. The rest of the world takes a much more multi-modal approach to chest pain. Ischemia is not the only or most important cause of what patients are feeling.”
“But in addition to the kind of diagnostic studies done with stress tests, patients who have a lot of angina should be screened for anxiety and depression, because they could be very cost-effective targets for intervention,” he said.
“This is something many cardiologists tend not to be comfortable with,” Sullivan said and “at this point in time most primary-care physicians are comfortable with making an initial trial with treatment,” he said.
“Many studies have shown that depression is a predictor of mortality after a heart attack or in congestive heart failure,” said study author Nancy Frasure-Smith. “Most studies have shown that differences in severity of heart disease between people who are depressed or not depressed do not account for the difference. One hypothesis is that people who are depressed don’t get as good treatment for their heart disease.”

Healthy Secrets of Red Wine


health-secrets-of-red-wine-1 Health Secrets of Red Wine

Red wine is a great health tonic because this is improve in your personality and health and the scientists is previously know that drinking red wine in control is good quality for your health.

“The breadth of benefits is remarkable — cancer prevention, protection of the heart and brain from damage, reducing age-related diseases, such as inflammation, reversing diabetes and obesity, and many more,” said Lindsay Brown.

Brown said all possible mechanisms contain:

* High doses of the compound may prevent cancer by increasing the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death).

* Low doses improve cardiac health by increasing cellular protection and reducing damage.

* Resveratrol may help remove very reactive oxidants in the body and improve blood supply to cells.

“Most of the resveratrol in imbibed red wine does not reach the circulation,” Stephen Taylor, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Queensland, said in a journal news release. “Interestingly, absorption via the mucous membranes in the mouth can result in up to around 100 times the blood levels, if done slowly rather than simply gulping it down.” Via

Health Day Diabetes Drug Story


diabetes-drug Health Day Diabetes Drug Story

This is presenting Diabetes Drug and that is really injuries in your body and health and new search are a present diabetes drug is appears to outperform EXENATIDE.

“The results suggest that liraglutide might be a treatment option for type 2 diabetes, especially when weight loss and risk of hypoglycemia are major considerations,” Dr. John Buse.

“First, it stimulates insulin production,” Madsbad explained. “Then it also promotes glucagon release from the pancreas. It also changes appetite, and therefore you eat less.”

“We want more medications that have this type of profile,” Dr. Alan Garber.

“It is very well-tolerated, has few side effects and can lead to weight loss,” Garber said. “Most diabetes medications now produce weight gain, and that is very discouraging to our patients.”

“The favorable balance in the safety and efficacy profile of aleglitazar represents encouraging short-term clinical data for this agent, and provides good evidence to enter phase III investigation,” Dr. Robert R. Henry of the University of California. Via

Healthy News: SWINE FLU


swine-flu Weekend Health News: SWINE FLU

This is SWINE FLU are presenting effected in your personality health and body I mean that is really dangerous diseases.

“It’s clear that all of our pandemic planning and preparation have improved the nation’s ability to respond to an outbreak, but H1N1 did not test the limits of our response,” Jeffrey Levi.
“If, in the future, we face a situation with a large number of Americans becoming ill and flooding into hospitals and health-care facilities, our system could be overwhelmed,” he added.
“Most of the planning was for a severe form of influenza [avian flu] for which we would have six weeks’ notice because it emerges in the Far East,” said Fleming, who spoke at the news conference. “We were wrong on two counts. The swine flu was of normal virulence and we had no warning. In the first couple of days, we were adhering to our plan with policies and procedures that did not match the severity of the strain.”
“This was clearly the top priority in managing and controlling this outbreak — I give them [public health officials] high marks,” said Dr. Scott.

“Health departments and labs in hospitals were really marginally staffed. New technologies helped but the people were just not available,” said Dr. Kenneth Bromberg, chairman of pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases at the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City. “We don’t have enough respirators in the U.S. for the worst-case scenario of a flu epidemic.” and include:

* Making sure that the national stockpile of antiviral medications, vaccinations and equipment is maintained.

* Improving coordination among federal, state and local governments and the private sector, including taking into account how the nature of flu threats change over time.

* Enhancing the nation’s biomedical research and development abilities to rapidly develop and produce a vaccine.

* Making sure all Americans are vaccinated. Currently, more than 50 percent of Americans do not get their annual flu shots.

“The most difficult part of this list of vulnerabilities is vaccinating all Americans,” said Dr. Len and “It may be that with the tremendous scare this time about this particular virus, people may be more willing to be vaccinated. It remains to be seen but the message is vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. Not just for H1N1 but for the seasonal flu as well.” Via

Healthy News : Women Pregnancy


women-pregnancy Health News : Women Pregnancy

This is presents Women Pregnancy and I thik this is very damp serious thoughts in your healthbecause in this moments woman’s are very alert in health and personality. And limit their weight gain through pregnancy to between 11 and 20 pound to protect their health and that of their baby just according to recently efficient in specialist rule.

“We looked at a balance of maternal outcomes related to weight gain in pregnancy and issues related to the outcome for the fetus and neonate,” explained Dr. Patrick M. Catalano.

“There is good evidence that the amount of gestational weight gain for an obese woman can be related to the risk of needing a cesarean delivery and retention of weight gain after pregnancy, which puts the woman at further risk in future pregnancies,” Catalano said.
And the guidelines urge that:

* Normal-weight women — those with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 — should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy.

* Underweight women –those with a BMI less than 18.5 — should gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy.

* Overweight women should gain 15 to 25 pounds.

* Obese women should gain only 11 to 20 pounds.

“can be beneficial to both you and the baby,” Catalano said. “The closer to a normal weight that you can be before you get pregnant is to your advantage and also to your baby’s advantage because we know that your pre-pregnancy weight is a very important variable for these outcomes as well as the weight gain in pregnancy.”

“Pregnant women are very concerned about the outcome so they respond to recommendations, but they don’t last very long,” Katz said. “Obesity and overweight is a chronic situation. If a woman is overweight, she should adjust her weight first, then become pregnant. And one hopes, they would keep their weight in check subsequently, but that’s unlikely.” via

Healthy Story: Bacteria on Human Skin


bacteria-on-human-skin Weekend Health Story: Bacteria on Human Skin

This is really danger species of bacteria and that is providing develop in your health and personality so I can say that is mentioned in your health and personality. And I think this is different type of bacteria I mean 19 dissimilar species of bacteria living behind in your ears? This information come to you beginning scientists at U.S. nationwide person Genome Research Institute and who have use the similar technique that enable them to map the person inherited structure to recognize in every one bacteria income on individual skin.

“We are using these results already to initiate clinical research,” she said. “We want to know what is the contribution of the human microbiota to common and rare skin disorders.”

“We are hoping with this project that we can understand the pathogenic processes in these conditions,” she said. “And perhaps we can learn how to help healthy bacteria keep pathogens in check.”

“All our knowledge had been based on what we could culture in the laboratory,” Segre said. “Culturing puts a bias on what you can study. You’re limited to what you can grow at a certain temperature in enriched media. In culture, you can find what you are looking for, but it’s hard to find what is not there.”

“We found that the site was more determining than the individual,” Segre said. “In different people’s armpits we found the same bacteria, while different parts of the body had very different bacteria.”

“A revolution in sequencing technology enables us to obtain information of a complexity that is astronomical compared to what was possible just a few years ago,” said Segre.

“This is fundamental work, defining one aspect of human biology,” said Dr. Martin Blaser, chairman of medicine and a microbiologist at New York University, who has done several studies of human skin bacteria. “The human body is a map, and they are putting more sites on the map. This has been a very good advance.”

“We began to use molecular methods several years ago, and we continue to do that,” he said. “This work is much more comprehensive that ours were, because the tools are more powerful.”Via

Healthy News: Asthma Attack


childasthma_h Health News: Asthma Attack

This is showing asthma attack and I think this is very dangers diseases in your health and personality because this disease is much sensitive I mean that is create any where and anyplace. Sp please you take care and this article is presenting child has asthma attack.

“Asthma is a risk factor for more serious flu and people who have asthma are more at risk for flu complications like pneumonia and hospitalizations, so if you can do anything to prevent the flu in that group, it’s important,” says E. Neil Schachter, MD, medical director of respiratory care at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. “If your child has asthma, the recommendations remain the same.”
“It is too early to do an about-face on something that makes sense to do, and has been proven safe and effective in many other studies,” Dr. Schachter says. “The flu shot, although not 100% effective, is known to prevent the flu. Getting the flu shot, whether you are asthmatic, nonasthmatic, a child, or an adult, means you will be less likely to come down with the flu. This is based on bigger studies of wider numbers.” Via

Health News: Old Age


old-age Health News: Old Age

This article is presents old age are create various disease on health and populace who are rich and cultured come out to have a improved possibility of income a longer and better life.

“Increases in life expectancy raise major challenges for public policy,” study leader James Nazroo, a professor in the University of Manchester’s sociology department, said in a news release from the council. “Among these is the need to respond to marked inequalities in economic position and life expectancy at older ages.”

“Despite the fact that we are all living longer, many people now stop work before the statutory retirement age, and a large proportion of these still have the potential to provide a positive input into society, the economy and their own well-being,” Nazroo said. “Our findings will help us understand how society can help people realize this potential.” Via

Health News: Damage DNA


5174 Health News: Damage DNA

This article is presenting important health tips and I think whole part of body is based on DNA and breathing impure air for still a small period of moment that can reason some genes to knowledge reprogramming.

This finding indicates “that environmental factors need little time to cause gene reprogramming, which is potentially associated with disease outcomes,” .
“As several of the effects of particulate matter in foundries are similar to those found after exposure to ambient air pollution, our results open new hypotheses about how air pollutants modify human health,” Baccarelli said.

“The changes in DNA methylation we observed are reversible, and some of them are currently being used as targets of cancer drugs,” said the researcher
“We need to evaluate how the changes in gene reprogramming we observed are related to cancer risk,” Baccarelli said. Via