Sunday, May 16, 2010

Healthy News: SWINE FLU

swine-flu Weekend Health News: SWINE FLU

This is SWINE FLU are presenting effected in your personality health and body I mean that is really dangerous diseases.

“It’s clear that all of our pandemic planning and preparation have improved the nation’s ability to respond to an outbreak, but H1N1 did not test the limits of our response,” Jeffrey Levi.
“If, in the future, we face a situation with a large number of Americans becoming ill and flooding into hospitals and health-care facilities, our system could be overwhelmed,” he added.
“Most of the planning was for a severe form of influenza [avian flu] for which we would have six weeks’ notice because it emerges in the Far East,” said Fleming, who spoke at the news conference. “We were wrong on two counts. The swine flu was of normal virulence and we had no warning. In the first couple of days, we were adhering to our plan with policies and procedures that did not match the severity of the strain.”
“This was clearly the top priority in managing and controlling this outbreak — I give them [public health officials] high marks,” said Dr. Scott.

“Health departments and labs in hospitals were really marginally staffed. New technologies helped but the people were just not available,” said Dr. Kenneth Bromberg, chairman of pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases at the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City. “We don’t have enough respirators in the U.S. for the worst-case scenario of a flu epidemic.” and include:

* Making sure that the national stockpile of antiviral medications, vaccinations and equipment is maintained.

* Improving coordination among federal, state and local governments and the private sector, including taking into account how the nature of flu threats change over time.

* Enhancing the nation’s biomedical research and development abilities to rapidly develop and produce a vaccine.

* Making sure all Americans are vaccinated. Currently, more than 50 percent of Americans do not get their annual flu shots.

“The most difficult part of this list of vulnerabilities is vaccinating all Americans,” said Dr. Len and “It may be that with the tremendous scare this time about this particular virus, people may be more willing to be vaccinated. It remains to be seen but the message is vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. Not just for H1N1 but for the seasonal flu as well.” Via

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